Tiger Woods Has Once Again Proved That He Is One Of The Greatest Athletes To Ever Live

Incredible. Josh Berhow is exactly right in his assessment. That is one of the most difficult things to do and of course Tiger Woods does it with ease. Catching that golf ball with a tee clenched between his fingers ranks right up there with him winning a US Open on a shredded knee. Truly amazing. We are all witnesses. Tiger Woods possesses the type of greatness that comes along maybe once or twice in a generation. The man never ceases to amaze me with the things he's able to do on and off the golf course. Honestly when I first saw that picture I thought it was a still of a Jedi using The Force in a Star Wars movie but nope, it's Tiger doing the impossible yet again. Wow.

Not to mention this isn't the first time this week Tiger has achieved an incredible athletic feat

Look at this 

There really is no ceiling to his athletic ability

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